Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: An idea: Past and future
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I've been thinking about silgrad tower and the world it is in. Now things are going to be different in oblivion what if you just use the base of what you created. What I mean is have the silgrad in oblivion be the future so that events that happend during morrowind affect what you do in oblions silgrad tower. Does this make sense.
It makes perfect sense, and I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Though, the quests and the story were never completed in the original ST, so I don't really see how that could be possible, without knowing how it even ended.

Quote:Originally posted by arcadea
I've been thinking about silgrad tower and the world it is in. Now things are going to be different in oblivion what if you just use the base of what you created. What I mean is have the silgrad in oblivion be the future so that events that happend during morrowind affect what you do in oblions silgrad tower. Does this make sense.

Tying in with what NoRemorse said, we didn't really have a story in Silgrad Tower: Morrowind. I'm sure some things will be updated to reflect changes from ST:M, for example what happened with the murdered guard outside Reich Parkeep. But personally I think the choice (and the workload) of what should be done with earlier works should be left to individual modders.
The thing Im trying to get at is some things need to be new for the players who played TEs 3 silgrad.
I suppose some things will be new alone by the new look. If I deduct from the screenshots, the things you will be able to do can assumed to be marvellous.

And there are many ideas in the ST3 mod I want to see in the new version as well, because they made Silgrad so special in my opinion. I see a good chance to re-do some of my interiors for example the way I imagined them first hand.

Besides that I'm sure the new CS will give us enough inspiration for new things as well.

