Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Modding abbreviations
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Modding abbreviations

When modding for ST add StXX to your new objects etc.
XX == your modding abbreviation.

ar - Arlowe
bb- dietbob196045
br - Brima
ea - earendil
id - TheImperialDragon
ip - AnImpatientFan
jk - jucklesjenk
se - Seniosh
si - Sniper4
sr - sandor

Blocked abbreviations:

May as well claim SE. We'll see what I do with it.
Seniosh,'index.php?page=Thread&postID=191943#post191943 Wrote:May as well claim SE. We'll see what I do with it.
I added you to the list! Smile
Could you add me under the abreviation 'ar' ?

Added your abbrev. Smile
May I claim - EA - ?
I added you to the list. Smile
May I have "BR"?
Sure! Smile