Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Beyond Cyrodil: Devs be carefull!
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This is again one of the more difficult mods to create, as there is no base game and not many people are versed in the required lore. So I say here as I've said before.

Nothing should go to waste or be there without reason.
When you're putting things into this mod think why you're doing it and weigh it against why shouldn't you do it.

Very few NPCs have no quest relation, and the same goes for places. Having pointless things makes the mod feel unfinished or messy. I know you people wont let us down Smile

(I've posted something similar to the other mods, perhaps it's spam, but they wont neccisarily read this.)
I know it is difficult, but why not? No one else will try. And I know, we will not stick in stupid things. That would be a waste of time. Argonia will be a very interconnecting mod, I can tell.