Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: On refining existing TES3 models
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Isn't it possible to just import the models from Morrowind then? I'm thinkin importing them into a 3d model software and then making it look better?

I'm just testing out Zbrush2 and my oh my it's fantastic! I'm thinking about modeling some stuff for you guys just to learn modeling in Zbrush. I'm thinking about everything from clothes to furniture and faces. I'll also paint textures as well.
Quote:Originally posted by raziel014
Isn't it possible to just import the models from Morrowind then? I'm thinkin importing them into a 3d model software and then making it look better?

Nope, that's a copyright violation. Here's some more info on that. But if someone imports it, renames the meshes, and modifies it so it doesn't look like Bethesda's - it's not like anyone's going to know. If that's what you meant then that's totally ok. Might not be very creatively rewarding though. I did that once, with the corkbulb, but that's the only time since it wasn't much fun. The rest of the time I try to mimic what Bethesda did by examining the mesh in the Construction Set's wireframe mode or, when I can, by checking out an imported NIF.

Quote:Originally posted by raziel014
I'm just testing out Zbrush2 and my oh my it's fantastic! I'm thinking about modeling some stuff for you guys just to learn modeling in Zbrush. I'm thinking about everything from clothes to furniture and faces. I'll also paint textures as well.

Cool! Big Grin
Zbrush stuff can be imported into Max, right?
what if you just take some of the models from morrowind and slightly alter them enough to not be a violation of copy right laws.
Two reasons:

The base model is under copyright protection, so technically it would still be a violation to alter it.

Second, they are lower quality, and we would like some higher q models for OST. :yes:
[Image: desc.gif] What he said.
Quote:Originally posted by noremorse
Two reasons:

The base model is under copyright protection, so technically it would still be a violation to alter it.

Second, they are lower quality, and we would like some higher q models for OST. :yes:
yeah, lots of TES3 models were VERY low poly... won't cut it this time around...
the new Morrowind is going to look REAL GOOD!