Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I know you've never seen my mods as they were made for Danath and I alone. When we stumbled across Silgrad I was going to add Samhain Isles to it but, to my dismay, we learned it would conflict with Blacklight. I started to move Samhain Isles to a new location when we had a little problem that caused us to disappear for quite some time. Eventually I will get SI moved cuz I doubt I'll ever quit MW completely. It's too much fun just for making new stuff and trying out new textures. hehehe

Anyway.. here are some screenies of Samhain Isles. It may give you an idea of how I view our world of Tamriel.. at least my little corner of it.

Galrina has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-1462.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1463.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1464.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1465.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1466.jpg]
Keirschtag Mtns.. looking up.jpg (118.34 KB) | Downtown Faldheim.jpg (169.12 KB) | Outskirts of Faldheim.jpg (112.14 KB) | Purple Spriggan.jpg (39 KB) | Looking into the valley.jpg (131.02 KB)

A few more. Unfortunately the last ones weren't on disc and well.. the finished pics are gone.

Galrina has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-1467.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1468.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1469.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1470.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-1471.jpg]
Faldheim Lighthouse.jpg (92 KB) | Old graveyard.jpg (184.44 KB) | A Farmhouse.jpg (109.47 KB) | Along the inlet.jpg (115 KB) | The Swimming Hole.jpg (95.08 KB)