Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I've always found that way of thinking quite strange. If a person isn't motivated by creativity, what possible incentive can there be for him in modding? Stealing defies the very essence of modding. And stealing from a commercial entity like Bethesda is just asking for trouble, perhaps especially when it serves to further a competing game.

I hope they never stop making Elder Scrolls games, I can't see myself modding for any other series Smile

As I recall it, your meshes weren't uvw mapped and they would undoubtedly have needed quite a bit of work to fit with the way weapons are set up in Oblivion (scale, shaft radius/length, etc). If you're interested in modding for Oblivion again perhaps you could make a project out of recreating your weapons and then releasing them on the scene?

EDIT: I think I found copies of your models. I had them backed-up after all, they were just in a compressed folder so they didn't turn up in my original search. I attached them.
Thank you man you kick ass thank you verry much for looking no to mention for actually finding them Smile

As soon as i get use to right hemispheres Deep paint 3d I may get into modeling again Smile

I Should be making a WIP thread soon and yes i know i reputation for not finishing what i start bu his i will Smile have 2 great idea's/weapon's i want to make 1 i want to finish

P.S. Z Brush fail's so bad Sad

Lol and yeah i see what you mean had double axe blade models (from when i grouped them)

First i got to get use to deep uv and deep paint 3d before i can even try to texture them (the skulls are gonna be the pain lol)
ot- wierd. I just decribed zbrush as 'win' in reply to you in another thread.
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