Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [FORUM] Moderator BBCode tag for editing
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I've added a new BBCode which moderators can use (if they want) when editing someone's post. Just write:

(mod=YourName)reason for editing(/mod)

But using [ ] of course. This gives a neat box that won't be confused with the original message in the post. It's something I've wanted to have for myself, because it really simplifies editing plus gives a good opportunity to let the member know why his post was edited.

Technically it's possible for anyone to use this BBCode. Heck, a non-moderator could use it in his own post too if he or she likes, if he puts himself as the ( mod= ), to draw attention to a changed post. But should it turn out that people misuse the tag I'll have to remove it, which would be a shame because it can be quite handy. At least to me.

[mod=Razorwing]I wanted to show an example of the tag.[/mod]

[mod=The Skull]Let's see, if the kids can behave[/mod]

yea, and sorry for that avatar spamming issue.. I am sure I speak for Roger the Shrubber also...
we kinda disturbed 4 threads and our conversation just jumped from each one to another and on and on...

but useful tag... :brew: