Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Alright. Here is the question that we all need to look at before we start our mod projects: how will the Oblivion Gates fit into the picture? It is a Cyrodiil problem? Is it a continent-wide problem? If there are gates in our other provinces, do they all go shut once the PC shuts down the ones in Cyrodiil?

The main point is all of our mods need to agree on this, because if they don't, our world will lose cohesion. We need to have one standard for how many, if any, gates exist beyond the Imperial province and how they are to be addressed.

My biggest caution here is that we do not let this turn into a seemingly endless extension of TESIV's main quest. You've just rescued Cyrodiil by closing all of these gates individually; you really don't want to then go to Morrowind and Skyrim and Elswyre and Argonia and repeat the process. Maybe some original variations can be made on the idea, maybe someone can have done the job for you in one area, maybe they all shut down in a chain-reaction and are only active until you complete the TESIV main quest. Or we can say that all the beyond Cyrodiil attacks are rumors of a scared populous who have exaggerated the problem. (I haven't played the game so I don't know how viable that answer is.) So, thought?
I would have to agree with you on the point of having to close additional gates. It would feel a bit cumbersome to have to close more after finishing Cyrodiil's. My opinion would be to either say that the Oblivion gates are only concentrated in Cyrodiil because it has the capital city and is the heart of the area. Or we could open a single gate in each of the other provinces to be considered staging points for further attacks after the Cyrodiil invasion.

Is there a way to have gates appear later in the game, say after a given number of gates in Cyrodiil have been closed? Rumors of individual gates opening in other provinces could be a nice segue between the main quest line and all of the mods' questlines without becoming too repetitive.
The MiscStat 'Oblivion Gates Closed' could be used for this. found here

Basically, you can have a scaling random gate appearance...the more gates shut, the fewer the gates and harder(stronger enemies) they are to close.

Also, there are 15 Deadra Lords I believe, so perhaps something can be done with that. Even though only 1 Deadra Lord is mainly assaulting Cyrodil, maybe other Deadra Lords are taking advantage of the situation and assaulting Tamriel to varying degrees, using varying strategies.

(Example: One lord could just be using 1 or 2 main gates, and sending through large armies, while another could be using many gates and sending through just a squad of deadra)
I for one don't see the need for oblivion gates in Skyrim... not at this time anyway.
Based on the little I've heard so far in the game, gates are opening up in Morrowind, and it appears House Telvanni is taking the lead in dealing with the situation. Unfortunately, I don't have any more details beyond that.

If the powers behind the Skyrim mod are adament about no Oblivion Gates in their province, the rest of us are best off agreeing with them, with possibly one or two single-gate exceptions that have explanations.
I would like to see some Oblivion gates in the other provinces. But they could be different from the ones in Cyrodiil, since more than one Daedra would want to invade.
Well, heres my thought:

Since on Deadra Lord did all the work to take down the shield stopping Oblivion from entering Tamriel, it seems logical that if you were another Deadra Lord, why not piggy back off his work? Take advantage of the situation for yourself.

Of course, not all the Deadra Lords might know this is happening.. or even care.

However, I think this has many possibilities. Deadra from 2 different Oblivions fighting eachother... you could even have a quest to work for a Deadra Lord and fight against another faction, etc.

I'm by no way a TES lore expert, so I don't know how anything I say would hold up to TES lore.
A Daedric civil war? Wow. That could be awesome, but I would suggest not doing it in Morrowind. Perhaps one of the other provinces would be interested in picking it up.

For now, what I'd like to see is the Oblivion Gate thing in Cyrodiil. Perhaps we need to add a gate in the Ashlands on Vvardenfell to explain the attack on Ald'ruhn rumor, but I think that we have enough without that, and I've already heard people comment on other forums that closing gate after gate is kind of boring. As far as I can tell, the Daedra are attacking the Empire, and that Empire is centered in Cyrodiil Province.

Perhaps we could have a gate somewhere that has already been closed and the player meets someone who says, "Yeah, I'm the warrior who closed the gate of the gods." Some sort of local rival for the player since he's got a fairly comperable bragging right. That would be interesting.
sounds good to me.... its not like there is only one hero at a time...
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