Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: New Class System...any interest?
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This is my pet project I am working on. Frankly, I liked the idea of morrowind, but I just think it is too open, gameplay wise. Eventually, all characters in morrowind/oblivion will become the exact same thing (if going for the most efficient and/or maxing out all stats/skills). So, with this in mind, I set off to create the "Advanced Class System (ACS)" (I guess it could also be extended to Advanced Character System).

So, what does this do?

Copied from my post on official boards:

My goal is to try to incorporate a more traditional (ie. AD&D) feel/play to classes. So, here I will try my best to fully explain what I am doing.

-X amount of new (atleast in practice, not in name) classes
-Classes will give you bonus stats upon level-up.
-Each class will have a variety of unique powers at their disposal, emphasizing their role and playstyle.
-Skills that are within the classes' playstyle will gain bonuses, while skills outside will gain bonuses.*
-Special Quests designed for each class.
-Custom Class Items for each class.

* Note: Theoretically you can still master every class, now you will just have to compete with a -5,-10,-20 in the skill. This is to promote a more character defining class, so a warrior wont -also- be a master of all 6 magics (atleast early on...)

I am also looking into an alternate leveling method, using exp, if it is feasible.

So, anyone interested in something like this? It will have to be tweaked quite a bit to get something balanced.

Also, anyone with class & power ideas (mainly semi-unique spells), please comment.
This looks like a renaming of the Oblivion system????

but :wave:

Maybe it is just the way you have worded it. Have you played Oblivion yet?

Anyhows, keep working on it.
Renaming over the Oblivion system? I don't see any of that in Oblivion...
Like I said, maybe it is just the wording in your post gave me that impression. Probs what you have in mind will turn out very different in practice from best of luck, it's good to see folks taking these challenges on.
Hi there sven, welcome to our little corner of the net. The Silgrad Tower mod doesn't usually include features that change general gameplay no matter how good those mods may be. Personally I think it's best if players get to mix and match which mods they like to play with rather than us forcing them to choose by including it in our mod. I wish you good luck on your modding project though :goodjob:
*moved to a more appropriate place*

