Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: botany catalogue quest idea (Dead)
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Botany Catalogue quest
what if an Imperial from the Imperial Botany Commission asks you to go with a savant to catalogue and bring back all the plants you can from Argonia? and in the end he can pull out 10,000 Gold for your efforts... so basically every alchemy item that is plant...
maybe you are sent with an Imperial Guard, the savant, and an Argonian laborer
or how about we make a beastiary and a botany list before we decide on this?
That would be a good idea before working on that quest.
Or how about we have scattered around various areas giant plants or good specimen trees that we could bring back to get money. Sort of like the Nirnroots scattered around Cyrodiil. I still have no idea what they do.
The same basic idea has pretty much been integrated into the Mage's Guild quests.
True. 'Dead'.