Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: New official ESPs
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Just wondering how are we going to handle the official plugins from Beth. Are we going to develope with them active so that the are required to use Silgrad mods? Or will we try to avoid using them until we absoloutly must. I.E. We want to include a feature that the one of the plugins implement.

Just wondering what the stance was.

I haven't given them much thought, but I think we should do without them. Although I understand why Bethesda charges 1.99 $ for their mods I actually don't like it and I like it even less that people would have to pay n times 1.99 $ just to play Silgrad.

The only function that would make me even think of buying an official plugin is <merge plugins>, but none of the three mods looks like it would include that little I-wanna-have.


I haven't DL'd any either but if the horse armour works the way i expect it to. It would be nice to have horse armorours in the mod.

Sadly, in my mind keeping Silgrad Tower free overrides my want for horse armour though I probably will buy them i think. Just have to make sure I don't develope with them active Wink.
I will never buy horse armor, maybe a bigger mod for the same price, but not horse armor.
Ugh... the new official mods are no bigger than the ones for Morrowind, but this time, they're charging money.
Yup, they decided to cover their fanbase with tasty things and eat it...
Oi, Im stuck inbetween not wasting money, and making my horsey (when I get to play oblivion...) pretty. Big Grin

but I definetely think we should stay away from making Silgrad reliant on money-mods. Quentins already said why.

Damn, for a skull, You got alot of brains