Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I know that the actual execution of this is a long way off, but I think that we need to discuss the levelling issues in Oblivion for our mods. It seems a general consensus that Bethseda messed it up this time with having overly levelled NPCs, creatures, loot, and merchandise. Even quests are apparently levelled. To remedy this there have been a ton of mods released.

So for our mods, do we do things differently, setting up a more static system like in TESIII, a completely random system where everything can be encountered and gained at any level if you've got enough guts/stupidity to get it, or do we leave it Oblivion-style and let modders adapt their re-levelled mods to our work?

I personally like something in between total randomness and TESIII, so that you don't know for certain what you'll find when you open a box in a cave, but at the same time you can luck out or find junk. Then you can go outside and run for your life or squish a rat.
I agree with you, in between.

Maybe leaving a few tough creatures and artifacts here and there, and then have everything else leveled
I say do a TES III style system.
I'd say a mix of static and levelled. Some things would be static. Levelled enemies can work like unmodded TES4's, have to be at least a certain level, or cannot exceed a certain level. Could throw some random in for good measure.

Levelled loot... NO. That was a horrible idea.
As I said in another thread, the problem is that if you have monsters static you'll end up having the modded province a cakewalk compared to Cyrodiil, especially considering the player likely has a high-level character to bring to the new province.

Monsters simply MUST scale to go along with Beth's idea, but there can be min/max levels set (no bandits running around in Daedric armor!) and items should be non-randomised at the modder's discretion. If you're placing a plain old wooden chest it's fine being random, but having one of four amulets in the final special chest based on your level may end up being a bad idea.
How about simple easier dungeons and harder dungeons, even few insane. Some levelling (min/max caps) but not totally. So there would be at least harder areas and easier ones.

Set something with very high min/max caps, generally tough monsters. That crowds tougher areas. And then something with lower min/max caps. To crowd easier places. I dont think theres point making anything simply level 1 scaling since player starts Cyrodiil first that is most scaling place. Suppose you could be required level at least a bit before doing easier places on expanded lands. Say like lvl5-10 you could do some easier areas. Yet very few places would have monsters with insanely high max lvl caps, but some of those too.

Generally i dont know, what monsters are to be used, i mean do you use all new models or partly same than in Cyrodiil and if some of the same, will every expanded mod have own leveled list or.. uh, gets bit confusingSmile
No matter how much we want our mod to be up to the player's level, I don't want rats running around in the countryside that can take out your average villager! Having some super-monsters is fine, but some should be naturally easy.