Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Oblivion apparently has gotten rid of all the old TESIII transportation modes: guild guides, mark/recall, boats, and silt-strider style convoys (of course there are no striders in Cyrodiil, but nothing works like them either). Instead we have fast travel which is disliked and most "purists" have deactivated. So, how do we get these back in or do we?

So far, I have seen mod attempts to recreate Mark/Recall and the Guild Guides. How well these work, I don't know, but it'd be nice to hear from someone who does.

For the other, is it possible to script a time difference to coincide with instantanious teleportation (what TESIII did)? Could someone experiment with it to find out for us?
I've seen a mod on the main site that uses stabled horses in the way that silt striders worked in morrowind, paying a fee based on city. I haven't tried it to see if it passes time like fast travel does but it's possible.