Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Guide to Reich Parkeep
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It's a New Lands mod that I found at by Razorwing, called Reich Parkeep.

I've tried to follow the instructions on how to find the door that leads to the world space where the Keep is, but I've run across all the areas around Cheydinhal without success...
Could anyone point out a location for me where the door is exactly? Like how far from another location it is or something?
Hi brynjarbjorn, welcome to Silgrad Tower!

The door to Reich Parkeep stands in the middle of the lawn just slightly to the left of the beginning of the road leading up to the castle in Cheydinhal.

I'm going to sound stupid for asking, but you did tick the Reich_Parkeep.esp from the launcher window before you started looking for the door, right? Smile
Thanks for the warm welcome :cheers:
yup, double checked by ticking it again, gonna have a better look at this now, lest I should have to call on Sherlock Holmes!
found the door! hurray for me, the custom world looks promising as well.
Cool, hope you like it Smile
I admit, I'm kinda falling in love with this town.
looking good so far