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in Argonia, roads are few and far in between, travel is dangerous...
that's why some fast-travel, but are in that case confined to more Imperial areas

the Vvardenfell team is thinking of implementing less fast fast travel as it is mostly wilderness and it would add to realism... also as important folks might want to get to places faster they would want to teleport... teleporting serviceers might take advantage of this and make high prices which would force those who use fast-tral teleporting to pay a lot... since in Argonia (as well as Vvardenfell) such services are rare

so here it is.... my ideas for this...

Instant Fast travel
these are like teleporting and the like, fast.
Mages Guild: guild-guide
the guild-guide is a Mages Guild service that telelports people (especially Mages Guild memebers) to other Mages Guild locations
Kothringi: Temple sanctums
Each Kothringi has a grand temple, and within a small sanctum that can teleport to any of the other Temples in the other cities
Slower Fast travel
something like a 1-2 min cutscene or real time travel
Underground Express: Rootworm
jumping into an exposed bubble-hole will land you under water among the roots... let yourself be swallowed by a rootworm and "pick your destination" and you will get there and "eject yourself"
Tribal Ferry: Raft
some of the more prominent Argonian tribes that live closer to Imperial occupied areas make a little extra coin by ferrying folks around.
Ship: (Imperial, Dres, Kothringi)
same as always except maybe an added cutscene to make it seem like a longer voyage than simply 2 seconds
I wish you'd read The Argonian Account in Oblivion... Scotti rides in the stomach of a semi-transparent root worm... you can actually live for weeks in their stomachs... and also... they are like jello, you can just pop through if you wanted to....
so when you ride in it, you just relax and snooze till you are close to an air-hole and want to go up
Turns out, we actually fulfilled KK's dream of a rootworm network, thanks to Koniption! As a result, this thread is ancient history and can be archived.
Cool beans! Funny how coincidences in terms of our ideas happen like that....archived as 'dead'.
One has to wonder how many of them are real coincidences, and how many are due to people skim-reading these old threads and having the ideas re-emerge subconsciously months or years later...

But regardless of the source of inspiration, the fact remains that we actually got it done and in the game.