Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Sorry to bring up an inactive thread, but Nightshade a part of a brew? Nightshade in RL is deadly poisonous...
K with me - Deadly Nightshade is poisonous in its natural state, buuut...

It may be that in the process of fermentation something alters the chemical nature of nightshade... giving the wine a 'kick' that is hard to beat... and perhaps that is why the recipe is secret, and very hard to duplicate... wonder how many people the family tried it out on before they found (by accident) a method that did not cause fatalities?

Another example of something potentially poisonous? Think about 'digitalis' - it is a medicine, used to treat certain heart disorders, made from the foxglove plant - which if ingested in sufficient quantity causes heart rate to speed up and can kill...
Yeah, well, just to be on the safe side, so no one in RL actually gets the wrong idea from this quest and tries this (yes, there are people who might actually do that), I say just change it to one of the made-up ingredients that are only found on Tamriel.
And call it deadly something else? - there are all kinds of potentially harmfull ingredients that are used in food and drink preparation, but strangely enough they do not all come with health warnings, or pleas against stupidity... Can we keep creeping dumb down, emotionally crass, pseudo health politics out of this please? Or are we going to remove all the dangerous weapons? sorry, no dangerous Quests? oops, we must remove all the dangerous animals as in-game the player can fight them, so what happens if the player then tries to fight a bear or a wolf pack in RL?

Let's just call it Deadly Nightshade? ... That should be warning enough?
Ah, you'd be surprised...

Anyway, you win this time, whatever.
I think this one belongs in the Quest development section as well. Hope it will be of use.
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