Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Naga Concepting
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no, but this is the bare Naga.... no fins, no rudimentary wings, no spines, no horns.... not yet
Quote:Originally posted by KuKulzA
and talking to Tedders has revealed to me that they are a subspecies of Argonians... meaning they are somewhat related to "People of the Root"....

Quote:Puff adders with legs and arms, seven feet tall, eight when they're mad. < Common names: puff adders osv..
thanks, well this is a big decision and thus I think Swedishfish should decide what kind of Naga or kinds of Naga are used... meanwhile back to drawing....
Well, I like what you have made KK. But you originally wanted them to puff. I thought you would have drawn it with that but I do prefer it to be puff-less.
To be truly scary, it has to be more than a man with a snake head. We have to give it something frightening.
I know... but I am just giving my first concept...
I will make him/her more bestial... but has the limbs and stuff of a human-ish structure...

as for puffing maybe it will just be that it gets bigger, but no particular part of the body puffing? like "bloodlust" in Warcraft 3
That is awsome concept art right there. I have envisioned them almost exacly the same, I really like the tail!
Quote:Originally posted by The Grey Wizard
That is awsome concept art right there. I have envisioned them almost exacly the same, I really like the tail!
who? me, Swedishfish, or cryonaut?
You. It has that Argonian feel to it, but still has that unique touch. It's truly amazing if I don't say so myself.
somethings that came to my mind.

Creature and Hidden-blade weapon

Short spear, one handed

Lond toes with skin in between to move around in the swampy exterior.
(swim and run in mud)

The "feather"things on their back are to attract females. They also contain a very strong poison wich is used by argonians as arrows. Doesn't work on these creatures because they are naturally immune to their own poison.

Simpe knuckle-gloves wrapped around his arm.

Big teeth to catch fish with.(swallows them without chewing).

Made in steel likely
can be hidden in long sleeves.
hmm... some of these ideas could work well for Paatru...
and that concealed blade is very cool! maybe assassin's weapon?
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