Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Well my second video card died in much the same way as the first yesterday. I used to have an SLI setup with two Geforce 6600GTs. One day my computer hard crashed and when it booted back up all 3D programs were horrifically distorted to the point where they were unusable. Same thing just happened to the second one yesterday. The exact same thing. I'm not sure exactly what that means for the project. I can't work on anything really. I could do scripts but I wouldn't be able to test them.

I'm not going to be able to buy another card for a while, a few months atleast, maybe even more. The problem obviously isn't the cards, it's something else on the motherboard, so I may just have to overhaul the entire thing. All I can do is use 2D applications that don't require acceleration, or 3D applications that offer a "software emulation" mode. So I think the most modern thing I can play are Half Life 1 mods.

Luckily what work we have done so far hasn't required me too much, aside from organization. The heightmap editor has given the Valenwood team the knowledge they need to make their own heightmaps and apparently they're going to meet in the middle somewhere. Just giving you guys a heads up.
that is a shame...
though I am terrible with Elsewyr lore I will try to be on more often on your forums... so perhaps when mod work starts up again much more will have been planned... not that I am in charge but I will lend a hand... however pitiful my offer is... I hope it will help in the long run... :|
There is no need for you to buy a new one, contact the vendor of the card, and RMA it. Wink