Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Twenty first topic.

X-markers are used by AI packages and / or scripts.

The X-marker is a static. So you can place these on the ground of the exterior or an interior.
You have to make a note of the FormID to the right of the reference editor ID (double click) on the X-marker.
Look at the screenshot.

X-markers are used by AI-packages to find the direction in-game.

I'll use the travel package of Mette (Steadhelm08) as an example (screenshot).
You'll see that a X-marker with the FormID 0109C604 has been selected.

If you added the X-marker manually you have to select your X-marker from the pull down menu.
Use the note you made to find the X-marker with the correct FormID.

There is an easier (don't close the package window) way. Go to the spot where the NPC has to go (travel).
Select "create marker at render camera".

Select the X-marker and press "F" and make sure it's on the right spot.
This X-marker is now linked to your AI package.

X-markers are invisible in-game.

Poster has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-6807.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-6808.jpg]
The twenty second topic.

X-marker headings.

X-marker headings are used to place the NPC in a defined position, so that he/she faces towards (the arrow on the marker) a fixed direction.

For example you created a paint package (screenshots, animated).
The NPC has to paint on the canvas, place the X-marker heading so, that the arrow (of the marker) almost touches the canvas. Select the canvas (persistent reference) as a target (X target data tab).

You can also use the X-marker heading for fighting, training packages etc.

Check this post, as well.

sandor has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-8034.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-8035.jpg]
XM.jpg (102 KB) | Painting.jpg (119 KB)
The twenty third topic.

A Pathgrid error, how to correct it?

You got an error "... point with no connections.." in the CS.

th = tetrahedron.

Often it very straigth forward and you'll find the th (point) which isn't connected to another th (as shown in the second screenshot).

Sometimes it's more difficult (a large interior).

Make a note (or screenshot) of the error (look at the screenshot).
Let's assume you can't find the th (point).

Select a th (any) and look at the bottom left side of the CS screen (look at the screenshot). There you'll see the coordinates of the th, compare it with the error you noted.
Select other th's and close in, in the end you'll find the unconnected th, connect or delete the th in question.
Problem solved. Smile

sandor has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-8037.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-8038.jpg]
PG error.jpg (19 KB) | PG Fixing.jpg (338 KB)
The twenty fourth topic.

When can I legally enter an interior?

If the PC looks at a door and the icon turns red, it's illegal to enter the location, even if the door isn't locked.

The explanation.

If there's no selection made for (interior data tab of a cell) "public" or "off limits" the PC it isn't allowed to be there. After entering, it's not a crime immediately, you get two warnings, after the last warning the PC should leave. If not, the NPC calls the guards, attacks the PC and being there becomes a crime. This is arranged through the "StGeneric" quest (combat>>trespass).

If you select "off limits" and the PC enters the house, it's a crime, the NPC will attack the PC on sight.

The only way to avoid the "red door" icon is to select "public" and the PC could enter the house without any "legal" consequences.

Poster has attached these images (downsized versions):
[Image: tn_attachment-10350.jpg]
The twenty fifth topic.

Usage of VWD objects inside interiors and the distant view of the CS render window.

The Render window.

You can't see things VWD in the CS by clicking on VWD (Visible When Distant).
VWD works for the exterior world (Distant LOD) and secondly the Nif of the object needs a "_far.Nif" as well.

To increase the view for the render window click on preferences and select the LOD tab. Move all of the sliders to the maximum setting (screenshot).

VWD and interiors

Do not set objects (doors etc.) to VWD!!
You're only allowed to use VWD objects that are VWD by default.

For the larger interiors it's fine to use trees (VWD by default).
CS Wiki.

S = Screenshot
Destination = AI location

A few important requirements.

Keep in mind that AI packages are executed from the top to the bottom (higher to lower priority).

  1. The editor location = starting point of the patrol and place the NPC on top of the marker.

  2. You need a "GuardPatrolBegin" package (S) with a location "near editor" (screenshot). It's has to be below the other patrol packages (lowest priority). There's no GetDistance condition and "must reach location" has been checked.

  3. The GetDistance value for example <128 (S) shouldn't conflict with the other X-markers. In other words, the NPC follows the pathgrid and can't walk near (<128 ) another marker from the patrol route. If so, it would interrupt the AI loop.

    If you use 2048 in a small interior it doesn't work, it could in a large dungeon. In fact keep it always small, around 128 will work fine.

  4. The reference or marker (function info) for the GetDistance value is the same as the current location.

  5. You can use X-markers or X-marker headings, it doesn't matter, it's only a reference point.

  6. Always check "must reach location".

Why does it work?

The GuardPatrolBegin pack is lowest in the patrol list and the NPC starts there (editor location). In the Areya test example (S) from Soluthis (StRwNPCmlapGuardDay01) there are 4 patrol points (03, 13 and 17) including the GuardPatrolBegin (19).

The top pack 03 (highest priority) will be executed before the other packs (GetDistance for the marker 19 on the editor location <128 ), the destination will be the marker for pack 03, because of the must reach location flag the NPC can't return to the editor location.

Pack13 (GetDistance near marker 03 <128 ), sets the destination for the marker of pack 13, because of the must reach location flag the NPC can't return.

Pack17 (GetDistance near marker 13 <128 ), sets the destination for the marker 17, because of the must reach location flag the NPC can't return.

After reaching marker 17 the other packs (03/13/17) don't pass the distance (condition) test, distance >128 from their markers and the GuardPatrolBegin pack ensures that the NPC returns to the editor loc. (must reach location flag).

As long as the time and duration are true, the NPC will continue to patrol (AI loop).


[Image: tn_attachment-10372.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-10373.jpg] [Image: tn_attachment-10375.jpg]

GuardPatrolBegin pack | GetDistance value | AI packs
I'll update the links asap! Big Grin
The links have been updated. Smile
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