Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: A short Poem on Flowers
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A tiny tidbit for the Forward to my work in progress series that documents every known flower on Nirn. The project is trudging along at a snail's-pace but I cranked this out pretty fast.
I'm not one for lymrics or rhyme schemes so you'll have to excuse my ignorance to the subtleties of Poetry.

The first Verse is an ABAB rhyme sceme and the whole thing is some wierd bastard Pentamiter of somesort (like 7686 or something wierd).

The second verse get even funkier.
it goes. ABCABC and is 446446.

Quote:To my mothers skirt I cling,
Far flows my emerald gown
And on my crown there sits this thing
For hue it is renowned.

Nirn?s gift I am
Handmaid to soil
I dance in gentle breeze.
And by thy hand
Through tireless toil
I blossom just for thee.

I guess the second verse could also be read as:

Quote:Nirns gift I am, handmaid to soil,
I dance in gentle breeze.
And by thy hand, through tireless toil,
I blossom just for thee
It seems, now that I think about it, this second way of wrighting it is probably better because the # of lines is the same.

anyway, comments?
Good? Bad? Ugly? I dont know, help me out.
Cool Cool

It's almost like a very classy riddle. Has that mystery feel... :]
Merged into collated poetry book:

The Collated Book of Mystic Poetry