Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I love reading Elder Scrolls journals online, things like Arvil Bren, Frost, and now the fledgling Will. The way that the authors bring life to the characters, especially the largely static characters of Morrowind is inspiring. So inspiring in fact that it has led me to try or contemplate trying to write my own on a couple of occasions. So for me and the others like me on this forum, here is a thread to voice our rough ideas that have not actually been implemented. May it be a thread of inspiration and encouragement to spur us on to actually writing some of these.

1) Nimariel's Path of Grace: the story of an embittered Dunmer with little identity and a vigilante streak who finds himself searching while pulled inexorably toward his destiny as the Nereverine of Vvardenfell. [Standard TESIII with main quest, expansions, and some mods]

2) Soldier of the Empire Pt 1: the story of Vrenir, a young Imperial officer stationed in Vvardenfell during the latter days of the Imperial regime and the time of the Nereverine. [TESIII with a tweaked version of the Never Say Nerever and Alternate Beginnings mods]

3) Eleventh Hour - The Rise and Fall of the Archmage Trebonius: the story of how an Imperial novice mage rose to prominence in Vvardenfell but succumbed to the temptations of power. [TESIII with Alternate Beginnings and the main quest ignored]

4) Soldier of the Empire Pt 2: the continuation of Vrenir's story in which he fights for the ideals of the old Empire against the armies of Oblivion and attempts to regain his name. [TESIV, hopefully with some provincial mods hooked on and a lot of tweaks]
:goodjob: Great to see an old-timer coming up with Literature Developement Ideas. Hows about you bung this into Lit dev, and I will pin it?

Lit dev is not only about ideas and storeys for books, there is lotsa room for Fan-Fic too, and if a piece of fan fiction makes the grade, then bung it up for inclusion as a book by all means... :yes: Big Grin

ps, there's even a rumor that some stories have become quests! Wink