Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Oblivion's rating was changed to "M".
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I would assume Jackass Thompson had something to do with it.
omg, LOL

*lady N dies of laughter*
... I'm not 17.

*Inhales* CRAP!!!

People need to stop blaming video games for their problems.
Funny that its gameplay was so dumbed down that a 10 year old can play it easily, but it gets its rating changed to M.
WTF, god keep that S.O.B. Jackass Thompson away from our games! Oh well, I have Oblivion so it doesn't matter.
Over here it's rated "15". I guess that goes for Europe as a whole, but I'm not sure. When I first got it I was surprised it was so high, but as I played it I understood why. You are rewarded for murdering innocent people (DB), the Orc in the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary jokes about how he killed a little girl at a birthday party, there are... baby skeletons... in some places, the zombies look really ghoulish, and so on. I've played games with stronger themes, but TES4 is decidedly more maturely themed than TES3 was. :bananarock:
Quote:Originally posted by Razorwing
Over here it's rated "15". I guess that goes for Europe as a whole, but I'm not sure.

In Germany it is rated "12+" and the new law does not allow to change a rating... Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Arklon
Funny that its gameplay was so dumbed down that a 10 year old can play it easily, but it gets its rating changed to M.

Maybe Bethesda will learn there lesson about pandering to ten year olds after this.

There was killing and violence, but if there is nudity, even nudity that you have to download something to access, its M. I hate the ESRB.
Nudity, Sexual Themes, Achohol...
Are they serious? ?(
Crazy world...
Quote:Originally posted by raz
Nudity, Sexual Themes, Achohol...
Are they serious? ?(
Crazy world...
Yep, the rating company over here in the States is called ESRB, its the Devil. This is really just crap, the ****ing ESRB re-rates Oblivion because of a mod that adds in nudity. Everyone knows thats the reason too, ESRB pretends it was also because of excessive violence... and they slap on some other ratings like Alcohol, *gasp* there is a brown potion called "Beer" that gives +2 to speed and -2 to intellignce and willpower. The worst part is that the game was re-rated because of a mod, and they re-rated the Xbox version on which you cant get the mod too so there tracks would be covered and it would make the "excessive violence" ploy look more believable. Oh well, maybe the M-rating on Xbox will do us a favor, fewer annoying little Xboxers spamming the official forums how they can't find Jauffre...
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