Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Mapping question for an expert at Blender
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I have a seemingly simple problem that I can not find a solution or tutorial for. For technical reasons I'm using Blender to texture a mesh, specifically a cube with one side open. I need two opposite sides to be textured with a floor and ceiling, and the remaining three sides to have a wall texture.

I've looked a couple thousand (seems like it, anyway) tutorials and they mostly mention how to unwrap a mesh and map all the faces to one image file. The problem is that I need individual images to go to the individual faces.

Could one of you mapping wizards point me in the right direction please? I've been playing with this for a week and can't get it to come out right.

Nm, I got it.

I can now make meshes in 3ds Max 7 and get them into Morrowind scaled, with collision, and mapped with multiple textures.

Tutorials will be on sale on Ebay shortly...j/k Big Grin
