Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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hi, im finishing my big cave (5-6 rooms, but good number of mobs, and a little quest. It's big for me, since it's my second "mod" XD) but i planned sthng i can't find: a bunch of pieces like the CRmFloorCrevice01A, but whithout another wall in the front, so there would be a good big hole around the path.
Any Ideas???
Could you post a screenshot or two of the problem?
[Image: crevice0wq.jpg]
this is the crevice piece. but it has the other side of the crevice too near, so if i made a room with tis on it's sides it would be claustrophobically small, and i wanted to create a big room with a bridge over a deep crevice, like indiana jones and the last crusade (was that the english name?) (but obviouly, this brige would be vissible).
so i need sth like this:
[Image: crevicenew6ds.jpg]
(sorry for the bad edditing, done with paint Tongue)
anyway thinking about this takes me to amother question: is it possible to create big and tall rooms on the CS? (i mean, like a big natural cave, beeing like a rock catherdal...)
thks Smile
Aah, now I understand.

The Construction Set can be limiting sometimes. But a trick that worked when modding for TES3, and is likely to work even better for TES4 since the selection is much broader (and resizeable), is to mod parts of caves with -- rocks! Big Grin If you use tons of rocks, you can mold the shape of for instance a deep ravine just like you need it to be, and then "pick up" with using the usual tileset on the other side of the ravine. What do you think?
i red u'r post again and now i get it Big Grin
on my way! XD cool, so i can build whatever i want... (evil look) MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!
(EDIT: shitful keyboard)