Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: About autonomous regions for towns
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he said the performance would be equal to you're normal exterior performance, so thats good. I think we should make our towns lke in that mod and Tes 3.
It seems more and more likely that the rumors about town worldspaces were true - that it's something Bethesda used just to get it to run on the Xbox 360. Damn. But I don't see it like I made a mistake, because there is a very handy script funtion called "GetInWorldspace" and me and a guy on ESF thinks that function can be a key in making background music play properly. If Reich Parkeep had been built right on our landmass (not that it was possible back then), that script function would have been pretty useless to us.
Couldn't you just do "GetCell == Reich Parkeep"? If that still exists in TES4.

And there. I was right about the LowRAMBox 360.
Quote:Originally posted by Axen
Couldn't you just do "GetCell == Reich Parkeep"? If that still exists in TES4.

And there. I was right about the LowRAMBox 360.

No, GetInCell only works for interior cells.
How about GetInSameCell?
Quote:Originally posted by Axen
How about GetInSameCell?

Tellin said he thinks it needs to be a quest script in order to work, and those types of scripts are disembodied (so to speak).
Hmm... says nothing about that in the wiki. Why don't you test it?
Quote:Originally posted by Axen
Hmm... says nothing about that in the wiki. Why don't you test it?

It is listed somewhere on my exceedinly long to-do-list, below more important things.
I'll test it, then, seeing as I'm bored.

Edit: It works! I had the script type set to "object".
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