Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [RP Sewers] RPS 8 "Free Claim" (Opaqe)
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Here's what i've gotten done since then.

Just save over the previous file if you already had the first one.

I just downloaded it.
I'll reply later today.
Readjust the woodplanks01 (screenie).

The table is bleeding (screenie). For the bed the same.

The bottle is bleeding (screenie).

The pumpkin is floating (screenie).

Check for floaters and bleeders.

The gap is still there, change the statics (screenshot).

I didn't check everything.
I'll check it out too, I'll update this post with my comments.
Sorry for responding so late.

Aside from Sandors suggestions here are a few things you should do.

-Rename the cell ReichParkeepSewers8

-Make the ingame name something different than "Abandoned mine"

-Delete the pathgrid left over from the cell you duplicated.

-Make a pathgrid

-Add you're NPC

Just do those things, and the fix the problems Sandor mentioned, and you'll probably be done.
Its been a long time since you posted updates on this opaqe. I'll give you more time since you showed progress.
How is the claim going Opaqe? It was a good idea i would like you to finish it.

Gah! I have got to do this and more voicework! I am one lazy bastard...

Forgive me!?
Thats ok, I haven't been working on my claims recently too.
In a week, if you don't get this done, I'll revoke the claim. You can tell us the dialogue you wanted for you're character if you don't have time to do it.
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