Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Its a loot mod that randomizes weapon combinations. Would it be possible, if we got permission, that we could use the scripts for our mod. They would be integrated, or it could be optional. I hope you guys consider using this. If you want to I'll ask him, since I'm a beta tester for SI, and I have him on AIM
My view is that we should add as little content as possible that affects the main game. No matter how good it is, there'll always be players who don't like it, and it'd be a shame if players passed on our mod because they didn't like the changes it did to their ordinary game.

So if you want to bring in an armor set in the mod for instance, you'd first cut out all the parts of the plugin that affects the main game, such as modifying containers of vendors in Cyrodiil.

But if the content can be adapted to our mod, and be used without causing changes in the main game, then it's another story. If so, how would you utilize the content from the Split Infinity mod?
You would use the scripts on our custom made levelled lists, that would make it so it wouldn't affect the main game at all. You have to read alot about it. I'll talk to Jaga Telesin about it. His aim is JagaTelesin. You can incorporate the mod without the custom weapons, and its supposed to be easy.

If you agree I'll bring it up today and he'll probably say yes.
Okay, well as long as it doesn't affect the main game, I don't see any problems with you putting together a plugin I can merge. Go right ahead and ask him. Smile
Ok, he's AFK right now on aim, but I emailed him about it. And I will ask him about it on AIm.
They're using a progam to generate a massive amount of random gear based on certain criteria.
Yes, the items would have special names like staff of Bla Bla, and special enchantments. It would be an easy way of making unique rewards not related to major or slightly major quests or dungeons. it would make acquiring items better. There is more than what I described too, some really detailed things that make it even better.

EDIT: he said yes Smile, he'll be ready in a few weeks when he gets his resource pack for other mods ready.