Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Steadhelm, Vacant House... Broken Quest or not?
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OK, finally finished the standard main quests for Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon, and My char has finally decided to go to Silgrad.

Everything went fine on the firsts two quests I found on the Coral Reef, but when I arrived at Steadhelm I didn't find much to do, one of the first buildings I entered was the Vacant house to the west, inside was a scared dark-elf guy who was hiding from the Dark Brotherhood, he asked me to get rid of the DB guy, I wen't outside and paid the DB some money to go away, upon returning to the house, the scared Dark-Elf wasn't there to give me my reward.

Has he taken the oportunity and ran, and well I meet up with him later on? Or is this a broken quest?

Also... Is the Merchants guild and Temple of Kynareth Joinable? None of them spoke about joining, and neither had they any quests for me, also The mages guild there had no quests.

Overall, Steadhelm looked good, but 'felt' very empty, am I missing something?

Could use some more NPC's in my humble opinion, but that's just because I'm used to the many NPC's Morrowind Comes Alive adds.
My understanding from IMing with Deus is that the quest sorta came in 2 parts but only the first was completed. The scared guy fled but left a note for me that said basically, "Ha Ha". As I remember the MSN exchange, the second part was to happen when you met him again in the town itself, based on what you decided to do then.

All I can say is the following indeed.. and it was working when i left.. perhaps something dissapeared while cleaning.. a problem we had frequently in the past...

You can basicly end this quest in multiple ways.. the way you chose should end with you coming back for your reward.. and all you find is a piece of paper on the table with a hastly scribbled note on it..

What indeed insnt incorperated yet is the followup where you find him a week later in silgrad.. and you get the opportunity to really use all your anger on him..