Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Joining the ST Team
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I'm pretty familiar with the construction set, though I've never made any mods of my (just tweaks to existing ones). I've written a good deal of fanfics in my year of playing Morrowind, and have a good imagination, so I thought I might be able to help making quests and stuff. I havn't got any experience scripting, but I'm working my way through MWSFD. I'm on dial-up, and though I somehow lost the .esp itself, I still have all the required files from 1-4_3 release. I don't care that much about download times, as long as it's nothing more than five hours consecutively! I'm pretty sure Bob is sending me all the files I'm missing, so I should be good for awhile.

EDIT: I'm talking about joining the TESIII team, not TESIV. I don't own Oblivion, sadly :-(
Where is that? Let me see, I know it's around here somewhere... Honey, have you seen it? Ahhh, here it is....


Welcome to our teeny-weeny team, Aorawn!

Bob is our Fearless Leader, of course, but as far as I'm concerned, anything you can contribute would be great. I'm Steve, the Broken Quest Guy.

One question: would you happen to have a voice for radio? There are some things we've been doing where voice work would really add character. Unfortunately, I'm cursed with a face for radio and a voice for silent movies. Smile

Anyway, welcome!
Welcome aboard Brian

Glad to have ya :yes:

You mentioned you had the data files for rev. 1-4_3 if thats the case then you do not need them again, we have not gotten around to adding anything new with regards to meshes,textures sound etc etc < again I likie using that lol

The esp file for rev 1-4_5 is uploaded to Planet ES and to fileplanet, however they have not been approved yet, it takes a few days for that process, but I can upload you a copy to rapidshare for you to work from

Currently Steve is the BUG man (not literally a bug) but he's been fixing broken quests, links and generally finding and cleaning it up any abnormalities

I been trying very hard to read everything that is readable and working on interiors and quest ideas

thier are several areas that you can work on I will very soon get things together and post a list of things to do, for now you can check the claims section, read alot and get a grasp of whats going on, if you see anything of interest let me know

If you have Ideas for quests feel free to write them down for dicussion, I would suggest you read the Silgrad Lore section so's that we try to stay close to lore, also look at what the TES 4 folks are doing, cause alot of what they do we will do, only set the stage 6 years earlier

Again ty for joining I hope you have a nice long happy time here

now get to work Big Grin
Just out of curiousity, how many people are owrking on the TES:III Silgrad Tower? I know that Razorwing posted a list -> HERE <- but that list is a bit dated and I don't see any posts from quite a few of those people on the TES:III forums (I know that some went to Oblivion and some just disappeared). What's the team looking like these days?

Sorry to say that list is a bit old

Currently it is me, (bob) and Steve
PLUS we had 1 join us today

and about 2 weeks ago we had another but I havent seen him since

other than that, its all the folks working on TES4 giving us the support

Wow, just the three of us? Steve wasn't kidding when he said teeny-weeny team...
Anyway, I'm glad to be aboard the team. Once I get the plugin file, I'll probably re-acquaint myself with the ST area, then come back here and look for something official to do. *looks important*
well 4 if you remember me... X(

I'd be happy to continue working on this.

I've been a bit busy lately, havn't been able to post much.
:eek: Sorry ADCK

I didn't forget you I just marked you down as one of the supporters Big Grin
But I definitly would rather have you directly involved :yes:

Well I just discovered a vacant town at Ashunor Valley -19, 2

I could do the interiors and NPC's for this town if you wan't.
Certainly I'll post it in the claims


you may have noticed that their are a few redoran interiors made with no where to put them, you could use them here or make new ones. your choice