Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Ran into a few probs in Steadhelm;

Steadhelm, Elana Harwoods House, can't exit here, door isn't linked to anywhere.

Can't find owner of above house anywhere.

Steadhelm, Abandoned House, Hand written note never appears after helping the NPC that lives here.

Steadhelm, Hidden Shrine, can't find any way in our out of this place, didn't know it existed until i looked in the CS.

Steadhelm, Temple of Kynareth, seems like there's is nothing at all to do in this place. Could do with some Imperial Cult quests.

Steadhelm, Traders Guild Warehouse, Nothing going on in here, could use some quests.

NPC: Not many around, seems like only 20 people live here, most of them guards, what are they guarding, there's nothing here.

Buildings, needs more houses, A fighters Guild and Thieves guild would be a good addition to. (Maybe even a Morag Tong hideout)

Quests: I could only find 1, and it's broken.
Thanks Sir for the info

I moved your post here cause I know these are existing bugs

I ran into the same problem in Elana's home, so I know that needs fixing

I cant say I had any trouble with the Abandoned House, after I taked(killed) to the dark brotherhood assasin I went back to the house and the npc was gone and their was a note I dont know which path you took one of us will look into it

As far as the rest of Steadhelm it does seem a bit mundane, we shall get it fixed up

Hmm, i didn't kill him, just paid him off, perhaps i'll try killing him and see if a note appears, but paying him off leaves no note.
Its possible

I recall Deus saying their was 2 possible endings to this quest, but as I recall, finding the note wasnt part of that. The note should have been their regardless of which path you take.
I could be wrong in that assumption but I believe it is correct based on Deus' stating that after you find the note you could l run into the NPC (guy in house) in Silgrad, and could take vengence on him for skipping out without paying for your services


With regard to Elana's house

I looked in the CS and the door teleport is set to go right outside, but I know during gameplay it does not

more info taken from an old post by QF

later than I thought here comes the house of Elena Harwood, the woman who spices her delicacies with strange ingredients. It's just the house since Balin did the NPC and some other things.

I remember reading something else about it but cant remember where something about it being "mysterious" maybe the door leading out was intented on taking you somewhere else, thier is a thread about Castle Harwood and an Isle ???? possibly thats it

still reading
Just to let everyone know: as of version 1.4.5a (the one Bob's making available for playtest), the "Harwood California" problem is solved, you can check out any time you like, and you can leave. Smile

As for the NPC, Bob's going through the Daedric writings on that; I have not a clue.

Castle Harwood was scratched and the island was redesigned.. its the island to the east of Steadhelm with the cave in the center and the giant all most rio de janero like statue on the mountain top.. if there are still interiors that lead to it.. then by all means delete them.

The hidden shrine is below the kynareth temple.. it should hold the true blade of.. cant remember the name... and ofc its trapped..

Hope this answers your question..

Edit. Steadhelm was designed as a very small settlement around a temple arrected in the grace of Kynareth.. its supposed to be small so adding all kinds of guilds isnt what its designed for.. just my few septims on the matter..
Thanks you for the info

Steadhelm could use a little sprucing up, but your right about the intent and it should remain that way, if the folks working on Obivion want to make into more they can, Call it 6 years of progress.

Is it the "Kynareths Breath" ? under the temple

As far as the Isle and the Castle, was it originally part of the intent for Elana Harwoods Home ?

Would you be referring to St. Delyns Peak I didnt kind anything but the statue

I wouldnt mind reserecting that Isle and Castle It may not be what the original planners idea was.

but it could be done
