Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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KuKulza and I have been talking about the Commona tong:

@Cuthalion: What if, someone high and powerful (dren?) decides that he wants to rule the 6th house, but obviously a guy that wants power in the real life would have problems with ?verybody, because everybody is against the 6th House. So this dunmer decides to gather all the parts of the 6th House that are sympathetic to him, and he organises a 'crusade' towards Fyr. Meanwhile he informs Telvanni about the attack and an ambush is laid. From the ashes of the 6th House then comes this new house: trading/warfare with the absolute support of Telvanni, Redoran and Hlaalu while Dres and Indoril(including Helseth) are still very hostile to this new house.
- My intention was that Orvas Dren would throw the more 'extremistic' elements of the 6th house - those who do not want to change to survive and would darken House Dagoth if alive - into a full-blown crusade towards Fyr, while Orvas consults with the Telvanni Nobles to lay ambush to the crusaders. Thus gaining the convidence of the Telvanni ?nd he'd have gotten rid of those irritating extremists who would force 'his' house to hide! -

@KuKulza: actually, I like your idea as a Cammona Tong storyline... it will be similar but not quite the same...
maybe Orvas Dren will make a "minor House Dren" by gathering Dren family from all around Morrowind. Their specialty is illegal trade and Dren is readying to make the Cammona Tong a House Dren thing. However he needs a way to legitimize his House and to pull away from Hlaalu without reprecussions... so perhaps he does some underground dealing with 6th House... he convinces them to attack the Ascadian Isles...
meanwhile he muddles up Hlaalu politics and intelligence so the raid is not heard of until it had already started... and plantations are getting sacked and the Hlaalu are getting REALLY scared, since they almost NEVER encountered 6th House attacks like Telvanni and Redoran have. So then since the Temple is under no leadership and does not respond to the attacks, he says he will take down the 6th House warband. Being put to the test as to whether they'd be honorable and trust Dren or be prudent and not help him the councilors of the three Great Houses are in a tough position when he demands funds for getting a force to stop the 6th House warband... and eventually after controlling some Hlaalu, and using blackmail and such on Redoran and Telvanni he is finally able to get the resources... however he already has a small force and lays an ambush.... IF you are of the Cammona Tong you have to lead this ambush and make sure no 6th House escape, or else they will let their authorities know that Orvas Dren actualy used them to increase his power....
now, Orvas has won the mini-war, he has the money, the recognition, and the military to establish a small minor House Dren.... also, he controls the largest criminal syndicate in Morrowind... he is now VERY powerful...
his House Dren is now populated with Dren, high-up and trusted Cammona Tong, and a few 6th House descendants... and his heirs will control the Cammona Tong. However when as cammona Tong you become kingpin...
he says that he is going to find a wife... and that he leaves the kingpin-ship and Cammona Tong business up to you... and that when he has a son, and when the son is full-grown, the reigns of power will be transferred to him... but for the next few years to come, you will be kingpin (of course after you do a big quest to end the whole Cammona Tong quest-line)

like that?

What do you think guys? And y?s, this has to do with the Main-Quest since it features the destruction of the 6th House.
excuse me, please check the factions and quests forum section Wink