Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: CS texturing mode.. vertex color?
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I cant remember what it exactly reads.. but when perssing H on CS.. you get into texturing mode (the window pops up), now there you can set 2 different colors i think it said "vertex color" something.. another is white and another is black by default.. what does it do?
I cant see no change in CS.. when either modding land height with texturemode.. or adding textures to the ground..
i tried setting the 2 colors to red and green to see the change.. but at least in CS i cant see anything.

Another thing, when you set from oblivion.ini, the starting cell/worldspace to your world (its the first lines in it, kinda test mode) and start game so it goes to test mode for the place you want to.. the sky is weird.. black with white clouds and always a white big box on horizon, is this normal? At least ive had the same for every different city test .esps ive tried.. and lightning for everywhere looks bright as hell. Well ground is like brightest daytime no shadows.. and sky is black with white clouds so i guess that makes unnatural reflection :S
Check the edit colours box, then you'll see the function.