Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [REQ] RP Screenshots
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I need some screenshots of Reich Parkeep for two articles on the russian sites. Most of screenshots in gallery are too old.
I can make it myself, but my video is too old - R9800SE, doesn't support HDR, very slow with antialiasing, etc

It would be good for them to have high resolution - f.e. not 1024x768, but 1600x1200 or so.
I need them in .jpg format with quality of 75% or more.

Most of screenshots needed are exterior, maybe in different game hours - some at night, some at day, dusk, dawn...
Also I need overview of SID, NID, bridge between them, Soluthis.
Maybe some other showing lots of custom models like mushrooms.
Will be nice to have a few of Velothi tileset.

I think they are needed not for my articles only, as screenshots in gallery, cs wiki and are old too - they need to be replaced.
I think you bring up a good point... eye-candy is good for keeping interest up...
maybe Vvardenfell should make some eye-candy... I dunno how yet though.. Sad
And another point - in some countries ppl will look at screenshots thoroughly before downloading 100+mb (as it will be soon) plugin
Quote:Originally posted by HeIsTheDarkness
And another point - in some countries ppl will look at screenshots thoroughly before downloading 100+mb (as it will be soon) plugin
well personaly I am a picture kind of guy...
if a mod doesn't have lots of preview screenshots I often reconsider before downloading... Confusedhrug:
I don't have the best capabilities either btw. No HDR and 1024x768 resolution. I would love a new batch of screenies with all those bells and whistles, and would be happy to use them for promo purposes for the next release =)

You bring up a good point about the file size HITD, and I've been mulling over it for a while. Because I don't have a 'supercomputer' I can't use the best compression 7zip offers, as the program's compression ability strangely enough depends on the users RAM. I 'only' have a gigabyte RAM so I can only use a Dictionary Size of 96mb at the best of times, but Reich Parkeep is so big I have to use 64mb for it. Even at 64mb it still takes half an hour to pack it. Next time I put together a release, would someone with vast amounts of RAM be able to download it, recompress it, and reupload it? I bet we can shave quite a few megs off of the download size that way.
We should provide patches, which update the previous version, see here in case you missed it....
So, anyone? If no screenies, I'll provide mine - but they are not so good