Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Skeletal/Zombie Khajiit
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The reason I posted it in lore is that it wouldnt make sense with the lore to put human bodied skeletons/zombies in tombs that should be housing Khajiit. My suggestion is that someone remodels the zombie and the skeleton to have a different shaped head and a tail to make them look like a khajiit.
There ARE human khajiit, they are more agile than your average person, but they are human, and for years it was all the empire knew existed.
We still need some tailed khajiits.
yes, well i still think this needs to be done. I just think it makes more sense.
I agree, I'm just sayng that we can still use regulare skeletons.
ive got a skeleton mod pm if u want it
you can only wear helmets and shields no armor yet

dont credit me its from jackmix69 Wink
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
There ARE human khajiit, they are more agile than your average person, but they are human, and for years it was all the empire knew existed.
Seriously, look at arena they look nothing our furry little friends
Superseded. Someone already did this.