Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: My first Textured Object
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This my first textured oblect that looks good enough to post at least:

tell me if it could use some work or if it looks good

[Image: Robe.bmp]

[Image: Robe2.bmp]
....i think it looks cool,....try render it so we can get a better more clear image....there is room for improvement, but I can't quite put my finger on it :eek:, perhaps more texture detail....yeah that's it.....but yeah not bad, just keep going... :goodjob:
Hmmm... The blue is a little... Blue? :wtf:Confusedhrug: Maybe a little more detail on the blue, tone it down a bit. Really like the runes though :goodjob:.
Thanks you two, I'll try to keep it more detailed than it already is. so I've gotta make the blue less blue? well thanks for the support.


here are some diffrent detailed screenys.

[Image: screen%203.bmp]

[Image: screen%204.bmp]
here we go somthing better its yellow but it works.

[Image: screen%205.bmp]

here is the lighter version:

[Image: screen%207.bmp]

hope ya like it.

....mmm, tick - tock was right when he mentioned that the colours seem a bit bright, they still seem rather bright, if u need certain parts to stand out more, rather use more shades and highlights, like a bit of shading beneath the belt and some highlight on top....

...also I am curious to see what the material looks like upclose....if u have'nt done so already, (and asuming that u using photoshop)...add a layer on top of your texture, something like a closeup photo of material, then make it overlay or hardlight, (these can be found on the dropdown in the layers tab next to opacity) simply play with brightness contrast (alt+I,A,C)....make the material lighter or darker to make it blend nicely....I am sure u might already be aware of this technique....but incase u not it can be very helpfull ....

....if u wanne add highlighs the professional way, create a pure black layer and make sure it's at the very top, now make it "color dodge" (the layer won't be visible anymore) choose a nice feathered brush and with brush flow at 2 or 3 paint on it with pure white where u want to add highlights,the more u paint with your brush the more highligted the area becomes.........
This technique is similar to using the dodge tool, but the result looks better and it is easier to edit, seeing as u are using a separate layer.....
If u go too bright and u wanne edit, simply paint over it with black...don't flatten your layers.....EVER!...always keep your psd backed up....think of it as the "master copy"...

Well there u go, my first photoshop tutorial..... :banana:
If you wannna help me with the textureing than i'll be glad for some assistance. And no I just used MSPaint cause im kinda broke.

Any help will be appreciated.
....i suggest u download a trial version of photoshop, there is nothing illegal about downloading trial versions of any software, it only becomes a crime if u get a keygen......i'm not suggesting that!!!

Also I believe u can get paint shop pro, it is for free and a very cool program, not as good as photoshop tho, but it will get the job done, just do a google searh for where to download it from.
...mspaint sucks!!
...normally i would just tell anyone i am to busy with my own mod to lend them any assistance, but this will be quick and easy( I think), so e-mail me the texture map\s in .jpg format if u like....i will play with them a bit over the weekend and send them back on monday....