Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: I could voice act
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Hey everyone I was a big fan of the morrowind version of this project and this time I want to help by voice acting. I have a really deep voice but not too deep. I'd say I could do an Imperial voice on par with Bethesda's own actors. Then again I may be full of myself. I could also try Nord or anything else if need be. I'm Really good with accents. Just tell me what I have to do.
Quote:Originally posted by Strife
Hey everyone I was a big fan of the Morrowind version of this project and this time I want to help by voice acting. I have a really deep voice but not too deep. I'd say I could do an Imperial voice on par with Bethesda's own actors. Then again I may be full of myself. I could also try Nord or anything else if need be. I'm Really good with accents. Just tell me what I have to do.

Hi Strife, and welcome to Silgrad Tower!

At the moment I think what we need the most is modders who'd like to pick up interior claims. There's a whole bunch of them available in Soluthis, but also some left in Reich Parkeep, and a lot available in Steadhelm as well. If you browse the overview page and check out the pinned threads on the boards I bet you'll get the hang of how things work here in no-time. That's not to say you wouldn't be welcome to add voicework for the interiors you mod, but right now at least when it comes to Reich Parkeep/Soluthis there just isn't all that much dialogue to voice yet.
Well I guess I'll try that but my suggestion for voice acting still stands and will for a while but for now I guess I could do some of that stuff
Quote:Originally posted by Strife
Well I guess I'll try that but my suggestion for voice acting still stands and will for a while but for now I guess I could do some of that stuff

I appreciate your offer and it's very generous of you to make it, but when there's just not that much written dialogue, it's sortof hard to supply voice workers with lines. =)