Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I just realized that there's not much addressing the lack of water in the desert. It would be nice to have something present in Elsweyr just for detail, or it could be implemented as a necessity of the player, though it might just annoy people. I was thinking water vendors, traditions placed around water, maybe some taboos having to do with the waste of water (spitting, crying, etc.).
look at my post in the other thread, water is plentiful.
True. My mistake, but it would still be necessary for any sort of travel through the open desert. There could be stat penalties for being out in the desert for too long without any water, or something like that.
possibly, however if we do make it like endless desert, it could become tedious and unfun, maybe in certain quests?
Yes, that's true... It's kind of like in Morrowind when you could get Ashchancre just for existing in the Ashlands for too long. You could just make the water needs low and have it so the player can go off one container for quite a few trips, just refilling when they get to town.
I'm thinking beth might have left water out for a reason, maybe you don't regain as much health in the desert when you rest?
Yeah, that would be good, as well as maybe fatigue. I mean, it wouldn't have to be much of an obstruction if the player just has to refill the water tank after every two hours of real-time in the open desert.
mabe, how about you mix both if you dont have a cantien/water carying deviice of some sort your dont regain health as fast or what not, and the water thing disaperas after a time.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The water could go away after a certain amount of time, leaving an empty [insert name of water container] in the player's inventory until he/she gets back to a city of some sort. Of course this would only be apply when the player was out in open desert.
Anything that requires maintnence seems like a bad Idea to be.
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