Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: The "Editor" user group
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For awhile now the forum has had a user group called "Editor" which only ever had one member - our esteemed raggidman. The story of how the user group came to be is long and complicated and isn't necessary to recant but it's been causing a lot of technical problems in that raggidman's account didn't automatically get access to newly-created forum boards. To solve the technical problems once and for all, raggidman's account is now part of the "Member" user group but with continued moderator rights on the Literature Dev board and all the other non-technical rights of the Silgrad Tower team's Editor.

This is in no way intended as a "demotion" or anything at all like that, which is why I thought it would be a good idea to mention it publically. Personally I couldn't be happier about the great work raggidman has done and continues to do for our group - it's just a technical solution to an access rights problem in the account.