Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Renrijra Krin Info from CS
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"The Renrijra Krin are Khajiit bandits and smugglers posing as gurillas and freedom fighters." From Dialogue

"The skooma trade is bad business, and the Renrijra Krin are just a bunch of thugs." From Dialogue

"The skooma trade is making a lot of money for the tribes in Elsweyr, and a lot of that is going to the Renrijra Krin." From Dialogue

"Sounds like the Empire has given up on stopping the skooma trade in Elsweyr, and I hear tribal chiefs are supporting the Renrijra Krin." From Dialogue

"Drels Theran. I'm the count's Special Inquistor in charge of suppressing the Renrijra Krin insurgets." From Dialogue

Faction: FACT Form 'RenrijraKrinFaction' (0002C816) (not used but in CS as far as I know)
Dialogue Topic: DIAL Form 'RenrijraKrinTalasma' (0002AB10) (not used but in CS as far as I know)

And Count Leyawiin do nothing towards the Renrijra Krin but Count Bravil do..

Some more things:

- S'drassa trying to create a potion to cure skooma addiction.

- Citizen of Bravil want to burn the Skooma Den

- Count Bravils son is Skooma Addicted.

- Drels Theran, Dark Elf, Count Bravils Special Inquistor
Thank you Krisi-_, this sounds interesting... Especially the part about the tribal chiefs supporting the Renrijra Krin...
well yeah and:

Faction: FACT Form 'RenrijraKrinFaction' (0002C816) (not used but in CS as far as I know)
Dialogue Topic: DIAL Form 'RenrijraKrinTalasma' (0002AB10) (not used but in CS as far as I know)

With other words there are allready a Renrijra Krin Faction in the CS ?(