Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Wow. Looks like even with all that you have done, there is still much to do. Sadly, Silgrad Tower now requires Bloodmoon if I am not mistaken, which I do not have. Otherwise I could at least help out in small ways.

Maybe I will have to get Bloodmoon after all...
Yes, you need Bloodmoon now, but I think Silgrad Tower is a quite formidable reason to get it, right? Wink


On the Telvanni Tower - Can you attach two screenshots of it from the outside? One of a full frontal view, and another from the air, and slightly to the side (a perspective shot). These are greatly helpful for building Telvanni interiors. Especially so when the builder does not have the mod himself and cannot open it to see how it looks.


:h: aplo.

(I am shocked! The 'h' is the ONLY letter that is not capitalized! I am appalled!)
Quote:Originally posted by Haplo
On the Telvanni Tower - Can you attach two screenshots of it from the outside? One of a full frontal view, and another from the air, and slightly to the side (a perspective shot). These are greatly helpful for building Telvanni interiors. Especially so when the builder does not have the mod himself and cannot open it to see how it looks.


:h: aplo.

(I am shocked! The 'h' is the ONLY letter that is not capitalized! I am appalled!)

That's how a capitalized H in Magic Medieval font looks. See the hH attachment for an example.

You're making the Telvanni tower in ST:Morrowind? Cool!

The exterior that is there is mostly a placeholder, or so I recall. I'm sure you can make an exterior to your liking, so you're not hindered by those limitations. Just a thought, but perhaps you can create an interior cell and build the exterior in it? Then the exterior that is in our plugin right now can be deleted, and yours moved from the interior cell to it's correct place in the world. And your then-empty interior cell deleted.

One would have to adjust the NorthMarkers in your cells after that, but it should work I think? If you can't mod using Morrowind + expansions + Beta 3 + internal release as the base for the plugin. I'm curious... may I ask why you can't? Tongue
Eh? I never said anything about me making the tower...although I suppose I might be able to. About me not being able to open up the thing in the editor, that was just me being lazy. I can d/l the mod, of course.
Quote:Originally posted by Haplo
Eh? I never said anything about me making the tower...although I suppose I might be able to. About me not being able to open up the thing in the editor, that was just me being lazy. I can d/l the mod, of course.

Why did you ask for screenies then?
I asked for screenshots to be placed with the claim thread/number/whatever you have to seperate claims. Screenshots will help any modder building this claim, no matter who they are. :goodjob:
Quote:Originally posted by Haplo
I asked for screenshots to be placed with the claim thread/number/whatever you have to seperate claims. Screenshots will help any modder building this claim, no matter who they are. :goodjob:

Aah. Thanks for clarifying that Smile
I'll add the attachments within the next days ... as soon as I get a few good ones. And I'll ad screenies for the other locations as well.

Good thinking, Haplo. Smile)


I have installed Morrowind now :banana:

It took some time but now I can use it again, and it feels great. I don't really have any interest in playing it but I'm eager to do some modding again. After having been away from it since September last year I'm a bit rusty... so I thought I'd ease into it by rummaging through the landscape in-game and keep an eye out for bugs and other problems, which leads me to my point.

As there have been so many bugfixes since 1.3.963, would it be possible to upload a new internal release so I don't report bugs which have already been adressed?
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