Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [Concept] Claw-Hilted saber
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Since I prefer sabers over scimitars, I've devised one up. Since the blades don't really differ that much, the hilt is what counts. Since the claw is sharpened at the front, it can also be used for a fierce punch.
Very nice, could even be used as a unique item that involves killing the claws owner, or we can have it used by bandits. Hopefuly we can get someone who can model this.
Thin the blade a bit and make it end in a curved point.

Looking good!
haha, got shewter working his hands, off nicely done and interesting concept.
I don't know if it's just the angle on the render, but the claw looks a bit thick and round too me. I think it should be flatter.
Added to link page.