Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Glass Cups - off topic part
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Grey? Gray? Which is it anyhow? They both seem to be used as often as the other...
I usually spell it both ways, but gray is what I use more frequently
Americans spell it gray, Brittish spell it grey. They're pronounced the same. Most non-Americans, like me, learn to spell Brittish-English. After this many years online I probably switch inbetween without thinking about it.

It's the same with the Brittish "colour" and American "color".

Neat icons! I've added them now. Have you playtested them, by the way? Because I can't get them to turn up in the CS. Could be nothing though, then again I haven't really worked with icons.

Oh, and unfortunately, just as we're not allowed to use TES3 assets in Oblivion mods, we're not allowed to use Oblivion assets in TES3 mods. Sad
shouldn't these be deleted or just moved to really off topic?
I was wondering where these went... I couldn't find them immediately after I moved them.