Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Nohrigrm Tomb (the non_teleporting mirror issue)

Here's what I come up with

Steadhelm: Speak to Gerilus Minasus in the Temple of Kynareth

He will tell you of vampire sighting "at night" around the town and ask you to investigate and remove said vampires, he gives you some "special" soul gems to suck them in

you agree

***The vamps will need to appear in Steadhelm late at night 2 or 3 of them, and wander around***
once your within sight they attack you, defeat all and another vamp appears (a named one)
This vamp enters into dialogue with you
Tells you that your interferring in a secret ritual and that if you don't forget about what you see and leave it will be your doom

Only 1 course of action here and thats to tell the vamp to burn and attack
you beat the vamp down and he stops you, knowing his undead spirit will be sucked up by the gem soon he offers to tell you were his boss is in exchange for his soul

You agree and he tells you that you'll find him/her (tbd) in a tomb (direction) from steadhelm

Once his dialogue is complete he dis-appears

Find Nohrgirm tomb: you find the Wizard Dren, he does his dialogue thing and dis-appears, fight the golem and go throught the mirror

the mirror will take you to Cedrics Masuleum (Im working on the interiors now)

Once you make it through the maze of mirrors you'll get to the main tomb where dren is in the process of re-animating the Vamp Lord
Your too late: the vamp appears and kills Dren immediatly

(we can add some vamp dialogue if we want or not)

you do battle and defeat, upon his death he is sucked into the special soul gem

loot some nice treasure (tbd)
return to Gerilus Minasus for your reward (tbd)

Hows that?
Sounds intriguing. One initial nit to pick: can you use a soulgem on a vampire?

normally you cant suck a vamp soul cause they have none
so it will have to be a scripted gem "special" Big Grin
In Oblivion they use blackened soul gems to capture humanoid souls. I know Fliggerty used them in his 'Blasphemous Revenants' mod, so it is possible. You wouldn't be able to use them for regular enchanting though, which is good since you need it for the completion of the quest.
So it is a gem specifically for vamps then?
Nah, just for humanoids in general (the script would obivously need to be edited a bit so it would only work on him)... We'd also need a new scripted spell for it.
But also, in Oblivion, the soul gem doesn't keep track of the name of the captured soul, it just says grand, greater, common, lesser, or petty. NPC souls count as grand. Vampires...? Don't see why not. Confusedhrug:
Two misc. items would work, one 'empty' soulgem and one 'filled' soulgem, named respectively. I'm no scripting expert, but I think we'd need a script to check for spell effects of a new spell on the vampire, then if OnDeath or whatever returns true, and the PC has item 'soulgem ID here', then you'd just remove the empty 'soulgem' and replace it with the 'filled' one.
Good info might work, lets see what Steve comes up with Big Grin

#1 we need to move the golem and change the script on the wall so that it doesnt open and reveal the mirror till after the golem is destroyed

#2 we leave a clue in nohrigirm as to the orientation of the rooms in Cedric's, a numerical clue (possibly) so that the player should think on how to proceed

#3 in each of the rooms "after the defeat of the sub-vamps" a clue is revealed as to the nature of the next puzzle

#4 we will have to incorporate the proper pc journal entries to inform the player that they have received a clue....something like " those stones are in an odd place I wonder if it could be a clue"

#5 at least one of the traps in each of the rooms should be a deathwish
If the player is good enough to defeat a Golem with health of 5000 and if they follow the clues it shouldn't be a problem....but of course theirs lots of hack and slash players...lets make them think about it, maybe as far as a random trap setting that if the pc gets hit with death when they re-load the trap with the death on it, is a different item

(thats just mean :yes: Big Grin Big Grin) ........ can that be done?

thats it for now

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