Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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is there a setting in blender that roughens a model i know models can be set smooth, but how about rough?
I haven't seen one, but then I haven't looked. That'd probably be done with the texture, such as the normal map.
I think the roughest you can get it is just the original thing you made (which can be quite rough) how much rougher can you get than a block? I suppose you could combine vertices manually, but that's changing the entire thing.
Also, why do you need to roughen a model? There might be a different way to do what you are trying to do
There are several posivilities to make the model rough:

1. Use remove double with a great scale but you can't control it, so not the best way

2. Add a rough texture and then use noise, better but the vertics are just moved in one direction

3. Or the best way, I think, use select random vertics and move them manual