Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Shared Warzone between Skyrim/ST/Vv?
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This conversation intrigued me and I wanted to see how everyone felt about my reaction and give the topic a clear name:

Quote:Originally posted by Siegfried

Quote:Originally posted by Smokindan

Quote:Originally posted by Krisi-_
when did Skyrim get Solstheim??they dont even got Windhelm..

I'm pretty sure we don't have Solstheim...

Well technically its not supposed to be public knowledge yet, but its no big deal. Its something the Core has kicked back and forth, we've developed limited plans for the event that we do create Solstheim, and we are discussing at least including the landmass as being viewable from Skyrim. Really the most time consuming part would be creating all the dungeons, Fort Frostmoth and Ravenrock have been destroyed, so that just leaves the Skaal Village and Thirsk, both small, and a few small Nord Reaver camps to work as staging points for Morrowind raids.

There is an agreement between Valenwood and Elsweyr to create a (presumably separate) Shared Border/War Zone area so that their planned 'war' can be co-ordinated.

Now what about doing the same with the Border between Skyrim, Morrowind Mainland and Vvardenfell to handle the main Nord Invasions?

What you could end up with is the first active sector 'outside' the Silgrad Tower/Morrowind mod/s and provide a huge advertisement for all three projects and the positive and mature nature of our community as a whole...

Also on Solstheim the Nords might be wanting to build their own communities and fortifications = hint?
Quote:Originally posted by raggidman

There is an agreement between Valenwood and Elsweyr to create a (presumably separate) Shared Border/War Zone area so that their planned 'war' can be co-ordinated.

Not warzone, we share the same World Space, lets clear this up. Elsweyr and Valenwood are in the same worldsapce. We share one heightmap, totaling 65 quads. Not warzone. that idea was scrapped. We thought it was better to have one heightmap so that there could be quests between the provinces.

Raggid I'm sure I told you this already lol. Just wanted to clear that up =)

I THINK Morrowind will all be in one world-space... but there was a misunderstanding between me and Razorwing and we are trying to work that out. I want Morrowind to be connected but we'll see...
as for 'war-zone', well, that's mostly Sosltheim, Sheogorad Isles, and northern Velothi mts.
and Skyrim has taken Solstheim even though it was SUPPOSED to be a shared territory...
I gotta clear that up for myself...