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Ok, I know how to make them. What I don't know is what format they should be in, and what do I do with them? (e.g. Where do I put them? how do I activate then.) I have several UV's just sitting in my folder, but I don't know which format or what to do with them.

I know they are supposed to tell textures where to go, but where do I use that?

Thank you,

Quote:Originally posted by FLESH
Ok, I know how to make them. What I don't know is what format they should be in, and what do I do with them? (e.g. Where do I put them? how do I activate then.) I have several UV's just sitting in my folder, but I don't know which format or what to do with them.

I know they are supposed to tell textures where to go, but where do I use that?

Thank you,


"UV" is a term that describes coordinates on a texture map, similar to how XYZ describes coordinates in a 3d space. So I take it you mean texture files.

There are several tutorials dealing with texturing on the CS Wiki's "Modelling and Texturing Tutorials" section, which may be interesting to read. Good luck!
I meant the UV maps. I can make them, but have no idea where to use them? And what format they should be in.
.TGA for starters. You should use textporter for exporting them using a save button on the textporter window. Always use powers of 2 (128x128, 256x256, 512x128, 1024x64, etc). As for the options, I prefer all line mode as black. Just black constant lines that you won't see in the textporter window, but will see when you save. Though for other people, they prefer polygon fill with UV height/random colors on them.

Also, you have to make 100% sure that your UV's are to proportion, or you know they would work out. You must use as much space as possible while maintaining proportion throughout the UV. Here is an example of mine (PLEASE DONT USE ANY MATERIALS, THIS IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL FOR A SPECIFIC MOD!):
I am using a program called Deep UV to make the maps, I can only save it as : .lwo .obj .rh3 or a .mtl Which one of those do I use ?
Well, Oblivion can only use DDS textures, not tga.

FLESH: The filetype "mtl" is map settings for an "obj" file. So if you're using Blender, I guess that's the type you want. Apart from that I have no idea what you're doing Smile
Aye, but when you try to save using textporter, it doesn't let you save as DDS. Besides, the skinner should be the one to save it as the .DDS for the final form. And flesh, those formats are the actual 3d data, it doesn't let you save the 2d form of the unwrap anywhere?
Quote:Originally posted by tibmaker
Aye, but when you try to save using textporter, it doesn't let you save as DDS. Besides, the skinner should be the one to save it as the .DDS for the final form.

Aah, kk.
Quote:Originally posted by tibmaker
Aye, but when you try to save using textporter, it doesn't let you save as DDS. Besides, the skinner should be the one to save it as the .DDS for the final form. And flesh, those formats are the actual 3d data, it doesn't let you save the 2d form of the unwrap anywhere?

Not that I have seen no. Has anyone here used DUV before?
Well, if you can only export the 3d data, then I guess that is good enough. They really need to provide you with some 2d form, but as long as you can get someone else to skin it, just give them a .obj or .3ds.