Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: A Darker Side to Elsweyr
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yea it is kind at 199 post and locke so yeah make another 1 DA
It already reached the 200 post limit (well, I think that's the limit anyway). Smile
What if instead of a Daedric attack.... an Aedric attack? :yes:
interesting idea huh... very interesting... very good KuKulzA, very good....

so like... hmmm... angry at mortals for not keeping the world stable and so they manifest themselves with the help of a cult which draws power to keep the Aedroths powerful and physical... but the truth is that they actually possess mortals so they have a vehicle of destruction
That is a forum speific policy, and not one I choose to use, I may instate it if needed, but for now lets say 300, to keep thing manageable, but promote lively discussion.
nope go look at it 199 post da took off his last post
I took it off, I'll merge the threads...
Something wrong ID?
??? um ok it seams we are confuse DA wants you to keep a post for your evil main quest aswell as keep the post for the dremoras
Okay, I really think that it isn't necessary, but very well...
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