Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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The S'rha is a civilization lost to the desert sands, where a strange and unique people once thrived, dead and lifeless ruins remain.

The S'rha are heavily inspired by Native American civilization to the north, as well as Aztec civilization to the south though I do not want to limit them because of the source material. The architecture is very Aztec, though more verticle wals are used. The Ruins are large canal systems built in caverns carved ou by them and walled completely, though the walls are crumbling now. Some of the defenses left in their cities are guardian spirits, not always ghosts, as well as totems, which are statues and sculptures imbued with life with a process lost to man and mer. They have many artifacts, and each of their ruins shuold be unique, as they were once cities in off themselves, but they will use the same tileset.

I hope to see them evolv as you guys give input!
Aztec sounds interesting, but maybe elven rather than man. Sort of an elven influence because Humans arived on the north side of Tamriel, while the Elves had pretty much control over the south. Aldmeris ruins of some sort?
The khajiit have always controled Elsweyr, and the early Aldmer feared them.
Are the S'rah a form of Khajiit from ancient times?
It is unclear, perhaos something for the player to discover? I am thinking Khajiit Emporers with men common people. not slaves mind you, just lesser to the khajiit.
Quote:Originally posted by TheImperialDragon
Are the S'rah a form of Khajiit from ancient times?
Some species of Khajiit closely resemble Elves, the S'rah could be the missing link in a way.
Possibly Ohmes-Raht with Suthay and Cathay Nobles? This won't be stated right out of couure, leave it vague.
Mystery races: Dwemer, Falmer, Aldmeris races and now S'rah. Did I miss any? Big Grin

so,what do you all think of the S'rha? I wanted something unique to stick out there, and this just hit me, I think it can add a lot of character to elsweyr, and will be a lot of fun to explore and make!
Sounds pretty interesting. Would this only be an offshoot of that scavenger questline idea, or would that questline lead the player to this area only to discover other things that could lead to independant quests of their own?
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