Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Soluthis0118 "Relvesas Ilnith's House"
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[Image: SoluthisClaimsMapsArea01_575.jpg]

[blockquote]"Valley of St. Seryn" lies beautifully secluded between the mountain and the North Imperial District. It's possible to get here from the Temple's courtyard in the east, but that road is almost never used by locals whom prefer to come from the west, through Venim's Hold. The valley got its name from the famous Dunmer saint Seryn the Merciful, patron of brewers, bakers, and distillers.[/blockquote]

Location: MAP #01
Interior model to use: 05
Model Nickname: Oval Home
Northmarker Rotation: 0
Neighbourhood: Valley of St. Seryn

Status: Claimed and finished by Seniosh.

Extended information on modding in general can be found in sandor's excellent thread Technical Info concerning Interiors, and naturally the articles on the CS wiki are always worth reading. But don't forget to run forum searches here as well, because often you'll find the answer here instead of the wiki. If you don't find the answer, feel free to post the question here in your claims thread But beyond that it's worth remembering that trial-and-error is an integral part of modding and it's only natural that you have to playtest your work to see if what you did worked or not.
- Confused about claim codes used in this thread?
I'd like to claim this for the very first Morag Tong quest, ever! WOo!

I assume that lower-middle class would be appropriate here (as long as this isn't supposed to be a rich neighborhood my NPC fits)

The person living in this house will be someone actually taking out a writ, not someone being assassinated, which makes things more simple.

And finally, this should be a perfectly normal claim, because i'll do the Quest in a separate ESP once the ESM is updated with the merged claim.

Thanks in advance.

I think lower-middle class would work perfectly here. I wouldn't have said no to either lower or upper class, but I think around middle class is perfect.
I'm actually thinking i might give this guy a small profession a a tailor, just so that i can give background information and add specific types of clutter. So yeah, around middle class. As you'll find out in the quest, not quite rich enough to afford the full services of the Morag Tong

For the quest, i have a woman and her husband (her husband gets kidnapped). Relvesas is the one who gets kidnapped, and as such, he'll be initially disabled in the cell. Varla Ilnith is his wife.

My question is how i should handle ownership? My first thought would be to create a new faction for the Ilnith family, and have that set as the owner to everything. Then, later on when i create Relvesas himself, i can just add the faction to him and everything should be good to go.
Quote:Originally posted by Seniosh
My first thought would be to create a new faction for the Ilnith family, and have that set as the owner to everything. Then, later on when I create Relvesas himself, I can just add the faction to him and everything should be good to go.
That's fine.
I like your ideas Smile

Your mention of him possibly being a tailor made me think about the possibility of him having custom cloth bolts. It should be easy to retexture a cloth bolt from Oblivion since the cloth bolt textures are generic and we have a bunch of textures already in the mod that could be used. Granted, I don't know if it's a good idea because our cloth textures aren't used on clothes, but then again I'm not sure Bethesda's were either. What do you think?
Actually, i was wondering if it would be possible to retexture some cloth bolts with the textures that are used on clothes. the regular oblivion cloth bolts look more suited for rugs and tapestries, and Silgrad's folded cloth models are all plaid, and kinda bizarre bright colors (bright green, purple, ect).

If we can get some textures of some nice simple colors that look like they'd go on clothing, i think it'd be great. I don't know if you'd want to make a new texture entirely (it'd be a pretty simple texture though)

While i'm requesting models, spools of thread and a needle would also be very nice, but that'd just be an extra-extra bonus.

From a cluttering standpoint, i'm basically done though, so don't undertake any lengthy projects to fill these requests!
I was just thinking of how one can quickly make some unique-looking cloth bolts through Nifskope. The cloth rags might not work too well but there's others that might, like for instance, or But yeah, the result would probably be more along the lines of looking interesting than looking great. If it doesn't work out then I think my idea is best forgotten Smile
Alright, I'm done.

A small note- when i implement the quest i'm using these two for, i'm going to have to add conditions to a lot of dialogue and AI, to make sure that Relvesas isn't idly chatting while being rescued from bandits, and to make sure that he doesn't try to, say, take a walk around Soluthis while he's locked up.

Also, more dialogue will be added, both during the quest (misc info such as where the cave where he's being held is), and after (expressions of gratitude).

Other than those small notes about dialogue (which don't affect much anyways), i'm good.

One more note - I checked "persistent reference" on two chairs in 0107 (the Spirited Serpent Tavern i think), so that my NPCs can eat out on weekends.

F= Floating / B= Bleeding / S= Look at the Screenshot / PG = Pathgrid / th = tetrahedron, point / sh = the silhouette (chairs etc.) / R = Resize / Re = Reposition / A = Adjust / Disp. = Disposition

General info.

Add an activator StRwActMusicForReichParkeep (under the interior, only for Soluthis).
Do not use "Default" music, it produces unexpected results with the StreamMusic script function.





StRwMiscDunLute, B into the wall
StSeLightDunPaperLantern02Fake, Re (the other one as well, S)
StSeLightDunPaperLantern02Fake, Re (other side of the house with the three lanterns)
Beef, R, Re


All of the ST NPC's have to be a member of the "StSrGenericDialsforST" faction, if not the NPC will use the Oblivion random dialogue/rumors. We have our own STGeneric dialogue (WIP).


StSeSolStSeSol0104RelvesasSleep22x8, check weapons unequipped.
0104VarlaFireside20x2 change to "use item at" package with no target.

Customize the Agression, Confidence, Energy level, Responsibility and personality.
Be careful with the agression value.


Add a GetPlayableRace function (==1) to the the quest data tab.

StSeSol0104RelvesasDialogue, the info "How do you do?" has no topics. Intentional?

General Remarks.

Change the music type (see above).
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