Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Just out of curiosity, how did you find your way to Silgrad Tower? Smile

My own story is kinda funny. I had been away from the scene for over a year after I lost access to my computer from work, and when I once again had the opportunity to play Morrowind in early 2004 I set about finding a mod group to join. The only one I remembered from my first TES period back in 2002 was Tamriel Rebuilt, but I didn't have fond memories of them since they had knocked down my ideas (or something like that, I don't really recall, and the TR'ers who were callous are long gone from the scene anyway). I looked them up with halfhearted enthusiasm, thinking I would buckle down and take it just because I really wanted to belong to something bigger than myself.

Then, what did I see in the column to the left on their forum index? A link to Silgrad Tower? Hmm, what's this, I thought... wow, it's another mod group working on the mainland! Yaay! I signed up in a heartbeat and started modding my first Velothi tomb shortly after that.

It took awhile before I figured out that there was a lot of animosity between TR and ST at that time, and that the groups had recently undergone a sizzling split. Influential members on both sides really hated each other back then - and had it not been for TR leaving a link to ST on their sidebar I might very well never have found out about this cool group Big Grin Funny how things turn out.

Right then, what's your story? =)
It was on Planet Es and some fourm and i posted about thinking about makeing a buyable house and then you Razorwing cotacted me and well here I am.
My board f'ing told me to get myself over here one morning, as we'd moved. 'Cog! Silgrad - now!'.

Needless to say, I found my way here.
I, who had never actualy released a mod, but was roughly half way through my own custom city mod (which in all honesty looks about twice as big as it actualy is, Im good with angles) saw RW looking for a mayor for steadhelm, and tehn I realized this is where I wanted to be, no doubt. I wanted to make a difference, not just one more mod, but work towards making a whole new world, I thought about my life, and decided this would fill it (that USED to be just an expression, it turned out to be a little more true than I expected) so I wrote up a formal aplication, tlaked to RW, and got steadhelm going.
I found out about Silgrad a week after I joined TR, they said you guys didn't have standard or some *hit like that. A year after that just before OB was released TR was begining to slow and I got bored, I tried to start an Orsinuim mod but they told me the idea was stupid so I lost intrest in TR, a month later I saw you guyz already had alot of progress done and you where making something you where familarer with, so I joined. I left TR completly after that and picked up a few Skyrim dungeon claims, I then asked Siegfried if I could become the Skyrim dungeon Mod, he agreed and a core was formed. A few months after that and I'm Co-Leading a project Wink
I was recruited by DA over there, on the wiki. Still needs to work on his grammar though. Wink

To be honest, at first, I wasn't too keen on joining a large scale project, figured it would raise too many problems... Take away my freedom, problems merging, etc... Then Omzy (a registered user on the wiki and here) sort of gave me the idea to try it, just once, and I don't regret it, in fact, just the opposite. Hrm... Where is Omzy these days anyhow? We worked on that retexture mod a while back... :confused: He most likely would have been a member here, but got tied up I think. Well, I have him to thank for directing me here. Smile
Via TR.
I didn't like the way, it was organized.
I started modding for Blacklight and saw the ST forum.

Silgrad Tower accepts every modder (also without experience).
I liked that approch and claimed a few interiors in Reich Parkeep. Smile
I knew the Silgrad Tower mod (like probably every Morrowind modder) from way back, I played one of the first version even. For some reason however, when the 'final' version was released I never came around playing it. I also knew TR, though I never really became tied down anywhere. When Oblivion came out, the first three weeks I wasn't available :lmao: . But after that I started to look for a mod that tried to bring back Vvardenfell (enough peoply who try Wink ), and I either looked it up in the ESF or on google, I don't remember, but I came here on this forum and asked KuKulza if I could join up. (My 'hotlink' in my FireFox still directs to the Vvardenfell part of the forum Wink ). Lately I've been working more for Steadhelm then for Vvardenfell....
Honestly? I have no idea. I think i just stumbled opon it one day or something like that.

Perhaps someone with better memory can correct me? :lmao:
I knew about ST from WAY back when i was a TES3 fan, but i never knew about the BC project until only a few days ago when I posted a WIP thread about making a Tamriel province on ESF, and Kukulza directs me to these forums (that was some three days ago)... next thing i know, I'm discussing topography, landscape, climate and political borders of Highrock with Kukulza and Hrafnkel...
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